Daniel Firth Griffith and The Regenerative Power of Holistically Managed & Wild Living Systems.
Daniel's truculent interview on Dr. Anthony Gustin's The Natural State Podcast.
If you are interested in the state of the “regenerative” movement and enjoy truculent, a bit feisty, and juicy podcasts, this one may be for you!
"We need to scale the regenerative movement by keeping it small… If we can’t keep farmers working in local communities, we won’t have local communities."
- Daniel Firth Griffith
I have to be honest—I was completely surprised when this podcast was released. Podcasts, generally speaking, are nice affairs where the host and the interviewee have genteel conversations around a subject that is pre-determined and via paradigms that are pre-agreed on. There are no heated disagreements, no arguments, no back and forth banter that really is just truculence and heatedness.
This episode blows all of these “podcast conventions” out of the water! You DO NOT WANT TO MISS IT.
After recording the episode, I told Anthony that I would not be surprised if he did not publish this episode for his listeners. I told him that that was okay and I would not be disappointed.
BUT HE RELEASED IT! Great kudos to him, really, for allowing his podcast to be a space for the continuation of thought and not just the brain massaging but paradigm affirming space that most podcasts occupy.
We discuss—
Is regeneration really any better than conventional agriculture if it is just improving soil health?
What role do CPG companies play in the “regeneration” of the world?
Do they even play a role?
Can “regenerative labels” exist? Should they exist?
What should people, who live in cities, do to help transition the paradigm of global control to one of localized reciprocity, especially if they do not own land?