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In this epic conversation, Jake and Maren of Death in the Garden explore the challenges and realities of being an artist in today's fast-paced world.
We discuss the necessity of patience in the creative process, the importance of storytelling in both fiction and nonfiction, and the need for imagination in a mechanized society, a society at its end. Together, the conversation also emphasizes the value of personal experience, of a lived life, and the interplay between happiness and sorrow in understanding life and art.
This podcast also touches on the struggle to find time for creativity amidst modern distractions and the importance of nurturing a relationship with the muse, among other topics such as agriculture, ecological kinship and more.
Enjoy! And then come to the comments section and let us know your thoughts and questions—we are excited and honored to dialogue with you!
What is the Human Animal, a Film by Jake and Maren