The Wildland Chronicles
Unshod, with D. Firth Griffith
Does Our Agriculture Need Regenerated? w/ Clara Zander

Does Our Agriculture Need Regenerated? w/ Clara Zander

When we say "regeneration," do we mean it as a verb or an adjective? Dive in with us as we explore the ridiculously potent ramifications of your answer.

The Wildland Chronicles
Unshod, with D. Firth Griffith
Please, take off your shoes. Stay awhile. Unshod is a podcast and community that believes to rebel, we must pause, that we live with Earth as Earthlings, that we must approach creativity, curiosity, and compassion in conversation.… but we must approach this ground UNSHOD. This has nothing to do with "saving the world." It has everything to do with leaving the right kind of tracts in the mud.